✓ Categort Search
Category Search for Google My Business and Business Profile
Explore all available categories on Google My Business through the Category Search module, simplifying the selection of the ideal category for your local business.

✓ Broad Category Search
View all categories related to the searched term
Search for a specific term or enter a partial keyword to find all related results.
Discover new primary and additional category possibilities quickly.
✓ Compare Trends with Google Trends
Compare category trends over time
Search for categories and click the magnifying glass to add them and view their evolution over time via Google Trends.
This can assist in decision-making before making changes to the categories of the businesses you manage.
You can compare up to 5 categories simultaneously.

✓ Find the Best Category
Searching for Categories has never been easier with GBP Check!
According to the annual “Local Search Ranking Factors” study, the primary category is the most influential factor in the ranking of a local business on Google.
Discover the most appropriate primary category with GBP Check.